匿名网友 发表于 2024-7-1 15:24:29

2024 黎允文《刺局·青面修罗-电影原声》头版限量编号MQA+LECDⅡ[低速原抓WAV+CUE]

本帖最后由 匿名网友 于 2024-7-1 15:34 编辑

黎允文《刺局 青面修罗 电影原声》2024 MQA_LECDII 限量版

01.离恨古The Ghost Valley
02.东三南陵East Mulberry and South Pagoda
03.金锣太岁Gold Mask the Overlord
04.神龙寺The Dragon Temple
05.君元刺杀赵闯-四大天王Jun Yuan Battle with Zhao Chuang-The Four Masters
06.梦蝶会馆Dream of the Butterfly Club
07.逃The Escape
08.黑无常TheBlack Judge
09.大围捕The Siege
10.青面修罗大闹八仙楼pavilion of the Eight Gods
11.大刺杀The Assassination
12.局中局Plot Within a Plot
13.花夫人之死-以句破局Death of Lady Fleur
14.终极一战The Ultimate Fight
15.笙笙的谎言The lie of Sheng Sheng
16.刺局Song of the Assassins

2024 黎允文《刺局·青面修罗》头版限量编号MQA+LECDⅡ[低速原抓WAV+CUE].zip: https://url52.ctfile.com/f/16909552-1316211025-846335?p=9632 (访问密码: 9632)
链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1m3WvXPx1z1d1MzDA0PgaSQ *** 付费内容***

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查看完整版本: 2024 黎允文《刺局·青面修罗-电影原声》头版限量编号MQA+LECDⅡ[低速原抓WAV+CUE]