01 长城长 Great Wall is long - 龚玥
02 军港之夜 The night of the naval port - 龚玥
03 牧羊曲 Tune for tending sheep - 刘紫玲
04 红花雨 Safflower rain - 刘紫玲
05 梦江南 A Dream on south of Yangzi River - 王心雅
06 鸳鸯锦 The mandarin duck brocade - 王心雅
07 敖包相会 Mongolian cairn meets - 甘雅丹
08 掀起你的盖头来 Raised your lid to come - 甘雅丹
09 相见太晚 Meets is too late - 童丽
10 你的柔情我永久不懂 Your tender feelings I never understand - 童丽
11 偏激 Goes too far - 王雅洁
12 不值得 Is not worth - 王雅洁
13 受了点伤 Suffer from a wound - 梁紫丹
14 眼泪成诗 Tear has become the poem - 梁紫丹
15 吻 Kiss - 杨洋
16 从起头到现在 From start to the present - 杨洋