01. 序曲 Overture
02. 商队图 Trade Team
03. 故乡图 Fields and Gardens
04. 惊马图 Frightened Horse
05. 汴河图 The Bian River
06. 迎客图 Serving Guests
07. 纤夫图 Boat Trackers
08. 乡情图 Fellow Townsmen's Chat
09. 搏浪图 Fighting with Waves
10. 乱世图 Flourishing Age
11. 思乡图 Nostalgia
12. 远航图 Sailing Far Off
13. 看命图 Fortune Teller
14. 寺庙图 Temple
15. 赏鱼图 Viewing Fish
16. 城关图 Gate of City
17. 抬轿图 Carrying Sedan Chair
18. 序幕 Finale